The world of search engine optimization (SEO) is frequently shrouded in mystery and voodoo, when really it shouldn’t be. Too often I see people become confused and overwhelmed with the amount of information available, or worse, pay significant amounts of money to a “SEO specialist” without getting any positive results. My approach to search engine optimization is […]
Building Trust With Your Audience Through SSL
I added SSL to this website over the weekend. It’s something I had literally been putting off for years. There are many reasons why I had failed to prioritize this feature, but the biggest one was simply because I thought it wasn’t really important or necessary. And here’s the thing: Unless you’re doing eCommerce on your website […]
Content is (Still) King
When I started this (admittedly languished at times) blog many years ago, I wrote about why content is king on the web. Today I’m here, older, wiser, and worse-for-the-wear from raising a very energetic toddler to let you know that this pretty much hasn’t changed. Publishing great content will always be rewarded, and never go out of style. […]